Resonant Fields
The Design Process and the concepts behind our Sacred Geometry Design Work
To better understand the principles in use in our proprietary design process: Resonant Fields - we first need to understand what resonance is.
Let's look at some basic facts about the physical and mechanical concept of resonance. We'll start with a couple of definitions before our example.
Vibration and Frequency

Vibration: A mechanical process whereby oscillations occur about an equilibrium point. Think of a pendulum swinging. A vibration is a motion that gets repeated.
Frequency: How many times the vibration occurs per second. A common way to express a frequency is in hertz. To describe a vibration that completes 2 oscillates per second would equal 2 Hz.
Every Object has a Natural Frequency
When a wine glass is struck from a fork, the glass will vibrate at the same frequency every time. In this example let's say the wine glass has a frequency of 1000 Hz. Physicists have described this phenomena as the "natural frequency" of said object.
This is an important concept we don't pass over. Every object has a Natural Resonance - a rock, a piece of wood, an iron bar or a wineglass. Elements, inert objects and biological systems alike - all have a natural frequency.
In our example with the wine glass, if a speaker is placed close by the wine glass playing the natural sound of the wine glass (1000Hz): the wine glass will also vibrate!
Resonance occurs when you have an object with a certain natural frequency that starts vibrating because of an external vibration that has a frequency equal to the natural frequency of the object.
Extrapolating further...
Think about the few times in your life you have met someone and immediately felt like you knew them. But you just met them! It was like you couldn't describe how or why, but something in you knew you shared something with them.... Because you do! That is the physiological resonance between two humans with a shared natural frequency.
You as a human are a collection of frequencies. If you have ever felt this type of resonance with another person, it isn't something you have control over, or the logical mind can rationally understand. Thats because resonance is a physical and mechanical response to an external stimulus that is gifting you energy through your similarity of a shared natural frequency.
Our Resonant Field Theory:

Have you ever thought about why the golden ratio is present throughout the observable universe? From subatomic particle collisions detected at particle accelerators, to the shape of a nautilus shell, to the spinning hurricane, to the spiral arm galaxy: there is a structural similarity across all energetic events of our universe.
Sacred Geometry is the study of these visual proofs that all energy is operating using certain fundamental geometric principals spanning across multiple scales of dimensions.
Resonant Fields is a proprietary design process developed by specifically selecting geometric shapes, line widths, angles and phi ratios that organically resonate with a natural frequency we are already accustomed to experiencing. Using these principles of design we aim to create timeless, legendary emblems that are objectively beautiful.
The mission of Resonant Fields: To imbue fundamental geometric principles of harmonic ratios into the creation process of each design, resulting in imagery with energetic properties vibrationally synergistic to the natural frequency governing the structure of the cosmos.
Extending the physical concept of resonance we intentionally create geometric harmonies within our designs to contribute to your resonance with the natural world in and around you.
Behind the Scenes of the Design Process of Resonant Fields:
Building of the Mitsudomoe

Inspired by an ancient Japanese symbol that goes back thousands of years, the tomoe swirl or can be roughly translated to "comma shape." But the symbol itself has deeper roots in the bracers worn by archers, as the single swirl tomoe was a common insignia that was embossed into the leather bracers. I was drawn towards the three swirl tomoe, known as the Mitsudomoe.

I first constructed the Interior circle and balanced it using the Phi ratio so that the inside circles would be a diameter of 3. The larger circle that would become the entry point to where the swirl met the inner circle would be a diameter of 5. The outside (greatest circle) would have a diameter of 8. These are a few numbers of the single digit number sequence of the Fibonacci Sequence.

The shape and initial curling shape where the swirl or "tail" of the each tomoe meets the circle was created using a Circle of diameter 5, balanced against the outside circle of diameter 8. The tail continues until it is absorbed by the design, in direct 180* opposition to the center of the circle in which it originated.

The design wasn't finished though, I wanted to incorporate an additional central element, an equal diameter circle in the direct center. This is an original design I have not seen before, and alludes to a three dimensional tetrahedral structure. The Design was finished after a final balancing of line widths using phi ratios to add to its outer edge harmonic glow.
- Roy,
Founder, Sacred Geometrix and Resonant Fields